Friday, October 24, 2008

Emma and Mommy at the Kid's Museum

We were the first ones to arrive at the Denver Children's Museum today and thank goodness we were! Around 10 am that place is a mad house. Emma got to explore a real fire truck, tried on the fireman jacket and hat and then played in the tiny tots area for awhile. We explored the "bigger" kid area upstairs where she played with a train set and got to color with a boy named Henry. I thought Emma might be overwhelmed but she did really good - quiet and shy, but interested in what was around her. When it was time to leave she did NOT want to go and threw a tantrum in the lobby, which continued out to the car and about 5 minutes into the car ride home before she fell asleep.

We just finished having lunch and playing a bit so she is down for her regularly scheduled nap time. PHEW.

Here are some photos from our adventures this morning.

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