Sunday, October 12, 2008

Congratulations to Amy and Cam!

So, we are hanging out in our hotel room on Lake Union after the Seahawk/Packer game tonight at about 6 pm and we see a seaplane flying over the lake. Nothing unusual as we've been watching Kenmore Air take off and land a dozen times this weekend. However, this one was carrying a banner behind it with: I Love You Amy, Will You Marry Me? (heart) Cam
Ry and I are talking about how romantic that is over the lake at sunset when we notice a guy and a girl in the room next to us out on their balcony taking pictures of the plane. Then we notice the wine glasses on their table and then the BLING on her left hand which she keeps looking at. OMG! Amy and Cam are right next door! I run out to the balcony and ask if they are the ones who just got engaged and they excitedly said "YES!". The girl was still wiping the tears away.


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