Friday, October 31, 2008


Here is our house in full halloween spirit! The last trick-or-treaters (we hope) have come through and we are done for the night.

Happy Halloween!

We took Emma to the Gaylord street trick-or-treat and she had a blast! She got a ton of candy, compliments on the ducky costume and even danced to the halloween music. Here she is in her costume and running into her buddy Caylen!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Carving Away

Here is our carved pumpkin! We modeled it after sweet Emma - having only 2 bottom teeth right now. It's covered in Ajax to hopefully fend off any hungry squirrels. We'll post more shots tomorrow night!

Tunnel of Fun

We had a fun time at Wash Park today. Emma enjoyed the tunnel and the swings. She also wanted to play with the geese so we had to cut our park time a little short. Here we are goofing off in the tunnel.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Halloween (part deux)

Today was Emma's "Friday" at Day Care so we made sure she was in the Halloween spirit! Here she is sporting the black cat t-shirt from her Nanna G and the bow in her hair is from Nanna Z. Emma received many compliments from the Day Care teachers and parents today - what a cutie!

Lil' Pumpkin

We took Emma to the pumpkin patch on Sunday and she walked around and picked a great one! We have yet to carve it so it is in the living room for now so the squirrels don't snack on it.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Earlier today, Isabelle and Eloise got to attend their Halloween party - with 50 of their closest pug friends. It was wild. The girls went as piggies but their costumes were soon ripped to shreds from running around. Most notable were 2 pugs in scuba gear with a pug shark - amazing!

Happy Halloween!

Emma attended her first Halloween party tonight. Emma was an adorable duck and Ryan and I were "bird watchers", a.k.a. duck watchers. Emma had a blast at her friend Lucinda's (lil stinker) house. Here's the gang playing in their costumes!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Emma and Mommy at the Kid's Museum

We were the first ones to arrive at the Denver Children's Museum today and thank goodness we were! Around 10 am that place is a mad house. Emma got to explore a real fire truck, tried on the fireman jacket and hat and then played in the tiny tots area for awhile. We explored the "bigger" kid area upstairs where she played with a train set and got to color with a boy named Henry. I thought Emma might be overwhelmed but she did really good - quiet and shy, but interested in what was around her. When it was time to leave she did NOT want to go and threw a tantrum in the lobby, which continued out to the car and about 5 minutes into the car ride home before she fell asleep.

We just finished having lunch and playing a bit so she is down for her regularly scheduled nap time. PHEW.

Here are some photos from our adventures this morning.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Look Ma, No Hands!

Emma is gaining confidence in her walking solo (a.k.a. without help). She gets SO excited and it's just been awesome to see how fast she learns. Video of steps on her own - it won't be long now!

Pugs at the Park

We took Isabelle and Eloise to a nearby school so they could run around off leash. They love to chase after the tennis ball Ryan throws to them.

Spoon Girl

Emma has been curious about spoons and feeding herself with one - so today was the day! Here is Emma eating yummy yo-baby yogurt. Job well done!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Video Time - Cupcake

Here is a video clip of Emma eating her birthday cupcake. Little sugar girl like her Mommy and Daddy.

Seahawks v. Packers

We were kind of rooting for either side to win on Sunday (Packers won), but Emma sported her Favre jersey. She did get quite a lot of comments - as you can imagine. We made it through 3rd Quarter and Emma even managed to take a nap amidst the screaming Seahawk fans.

Room with A View

We scored on the hotel room and got upgraded to "lakeside" looking over Lake Union. Here are some photos of our view. Amazing weather!

Emma and Alyssa

Emma got to see her buddy Alyssa Leigh Vandermeid for dinner at Azteca - yep, high rollers.

Fun with Family

The fun for Emma continued with play time with Cousin Gavin, nap time with Nanna Z and cuddle time with Auntie Kellie. Plus, Emma got presents - of course!


What an absolutely fabulous time we had in the Pacific Northwest. The weather was perfect, our hotel was awesome and we got to spend time with Family and Friends (but not all of them - JEN!).

We celebrated a ton of September/October birthdays at Emma's Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa's house. Here are pictures of Emma eating her cupcake. Amazingly she kept the hat on the whole time! Mmmmm, sugar = GOOD.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Congratulations to Amy and Cam!

So, we are hanging out in our hotel room on Lake Union after the Seahawk/Packer game tonight at about 6 pm and we see a seaplane flying over the lake. Nothing unusual as we've been watching Kenmore Air take off and land a dozen times this weekend. However, this one was carrying a banner behind it with: I Love You Amy, Will You Marry Me? (heart) Cam
Ry and I are talking about how romantic that is over the lake at sunset when we notice a guy and a girl in the room next to us out on their balcony taking pictures of the plane. Then we notice the wine glasses on their table and then the BLING on her left hand which she keeps looking at. OMG! Amy and Cam are right next door! I run out to the balcony and ask if they are the ones who just got engaged and they excitedly said "YES!". The girl was still wiping the tears away.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Heading to SEA-Town

We are heading out to Seattle soon - flying, NOT driving. Hope to share some fun pictures of Family and Friends while we are there. Also hoping to act as a "tourist" and get some cool travel photos.

Monday, October 6, 2008

More Boating Photos

Here are some more photos from Jill's new speedboat - Bad GRRRL. I'm still trying to upload the tube ride of Ryan and his Dad but it is taking forever.