Thursday, March 15, 2012

Splish Splash

Emma and her friend, Sophie, had their first swim lesson at the Starfish school last Tuesday. The owners are building a new facility, so right now the lessons are in a hotel pool (random, yes), but the girls had a fun time with Mr. Will. Next lesson is Tuesday at 6:30 pm!

Mr. Will grabbed the "class" and took them to the shallow end. There are only four kids, which makes the 30 minute lesson nice and focused.

Emma practicing her kicks. She even put her face in the water when told and attempted a back float.

Will had Emma get close to the wall and then go under water and reach out for it. She did it! They teach safety skills first, which we think is the best route to go. Poor Olivia was SO jealous and wanted to get into the pool. Only a few more months until July and her lessons can begin.

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