Friday, April 27, 2012

Tea Party

We took the whole Family to afternoon tea at House of Commons.  What a fun time!  Em and Liv drank strawberry tea and we all ate cucumber sandwiches and scones with devonshire cream plus petis fours for dessert.  Delightful!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Clock Tower

South High School had a food truck Festival and open house today.  This is our neighborhood high school - so if we still live in the same house in 11 years - the girls would likely attend.  The school has a Clock Tower on the 8th floor, so we took the opportunity to check it out.  The views were amazing:  downtown Denver, DU campus, Wash Park and our neighborhood.

Friday, April 13, 2012


Zoo Friday.  We met up with Jack & Kate, Riley and her brother JT.  Such a beautiful morning in Denver!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rockies Game

We scored FREE tickets to the Rockies game this afternoon.  It was a little windy, so we took a tour of the stadium.  We found a T-Ball spot for 6 and under and a small playground - the girls were in heaven.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Honey Bunnies

The Easter bunny made it to our house last Sunday.  Thanks to everyone for the cards, money and gifts.  The girls had a wonderful day!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Mermaid Adventure

We celebrated Caylen's 5th birthday with a tour and party at the Downtown Aquarium! The group got a special treat where we got to see mermaids swimming with the fish and they made a guest appearance in the party room. Happy Birthday, Caylen! You are growing up so fast!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sun Catching

A few weeks ago, the girls picked a sun catcher craft from the dollar store. We had the perfect, sunilicious afternoon, and broke out the materials. Both girls chose a horse/western-themed picture. The paint was a bit gooey and limited by 4 color choices (a green horse?), but they had fun anyways.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wedding Shirts!

Yes, we have 5 months until UD and Jill B.'s wedding, however, I wanted to make these shirts ASAP. Loving the fact I found all of the tops in a very close shade of raspberry to match the bridesmaids dresses. No pressure to wear them on game day - but how cute are these?!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lollipop Park

We met Rocco for a play date at Lollipop Park today. It's an indoor mini-amusement park with a ferris wheel, tea cups, train, swings, merri-go-round, bouncy houses ... oh my. We also ran into our friends Jack & Kate and Riley and JT!

"Whip It", aka whiplash ...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Splish Splash

Emma and her friend, Sophie, had their first swim lesson at the Starfish school last Tuesday. The owners are building a new facility, so right now the lessons are in a hotel pool (random, yes), but the girls had a fun time with Mr. Will. Next lesson is Tuesday at 6:30 pm!

Mr. Will grabbed the "class" and took them to the shallow end. There are only four kids, which makes the 30 minute lesson nice and focused.

Emma practicing her kicks. She even put her face in the water when told and attempted a back float.

Will had Emma get close to the wall and then go under water and reach out for it. She did it! They teach safety skills first, which we think is the best route to go. Poor Olivia was SO jealous and wanted to get into the pool. Only a few more months until July and her lessons can begin.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

DU v. Wisconsin Hockey Game

We just left the game, tied at 0. Girls were hopped up on cotton candy, but we only lasted through the 2nd period. Hopefully, the Badgers pull it off!