Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beach Time

Em and Liv wanted to wear their swimming goggles to "keep the wind out".


View from our condo. Priceless.

We spent the afternoon with our friends The Braniffs! Shelly and Justin welcomed their daughter, Claire, 9 weeks ago and we last saw big brother Nathan in February. The girls loved playing with their buddy (Nathan is 3). We went on a nature hike, ate pizza and got to play with all of the cool boy toys. Then, we loaded up the car and headed to the beach. There was a bit of drizzle as we checked into the condo, but the girls were SO excited to see the ocean. We played on the deck and then went exploring on the beach. We can already tell this is going to be a fun week. Thanks again Grandma and Grandpa G. for letting us use the time share!

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