Saturday, August 13, 2011

Butterfly Pavillion

Pink butterfly sucker.

Purple butterfly sucker. The highlight of the trip, of course.

Giant grasshopper.

Emma, the caterpillar.

Olivia, the Lady Bug, climbing a flower.


Is there one on my back?

Ewwwwwwwwwwwww. Spiders.

Tarantula "Rosie". Yikes.

This morning, we ventured out to Westminister to check out the Butterfly Pavillion (bug museum). The girls were grossed out by the cockroaches and spiders and a little scared of the butterflies landing on them. Olivia was a bit more adventurous by getting close to a tarantula and riding a kid zip line about 20 times. Butterfly shaped suckers for a treat on the ride home. Thanks again Lindwall's for the free passes!

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