Sunday, January 16, 2011


View from our hotel room.
Our friends Stacie and Antoine!

Ryan trying out the paddle surf.

Shopping in Georgetown.

Watch out for blow holes!

Yes, we visited HELL.

Amazing sunsets, white beaches and crystal blue water.

Aboard the sunset cruise.

We all live in the yellow submarine. Atlantis submarine tour.

Heading into the submarine.

Ryan won his incentive trip for Hormel (yeah!) so we jetted off to the Cayman Islands last week. The girls stayed home with their new favorite babysitter, Heather. The island was awesome and it was fun to see old friends. We ended up being so incredibly busy that we barely took any pictures - imagine that!

1 comment:

jen said...

you look FABULOUS! and this trip looks heavenly. the best part is that there aren't any adorable kids steeling the lime light!