Thursday, May 20, 2010

Play Date at the Museum

Mac and Cheese time!
VERY patiently awaiting Mom and lunch.

Believe it or not, this is Jo Jo's "happy face" - too cute.

Liv was the Queen Bee and everyone kept bringing her toys. She better not get used to that ...

Emma and Lucinda chasing each other around. Where do they get the energy?

Now, that's a happy girl.

I think NASA better sign these two up ASAP.

Em & Liv met their buddies Jack & Kate, JoJo & Iris, Lucinda and new Baby brother Hudson at the Museum this morning. All of the kids (and Mommies!) did exceptionally well in the Kids Zone and even into lunch in the cafe. No major tantrums, no lost children and no potty accidents - a good day indeed!

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