Monday, May 31, 2010

And Around with Daddy

Daddy and Emma's turn!

Around Around We Go

Emma dragged her motion-sickness prone Mommy on the whirly-gig ride at the Festival. I'm still recovering. All Emma kept saying was "let's go faster!". Help us.

Happy Memorial Day!

Happy Day off~! We went to the Gaylord Festival again this morning and Emma went crazy on the pirate ship, slide and twirly thing-a-ma-jig.

Memorial Fest

Gaylord's street Memorial Fair was this weekend. We ventured over last night before bedtime to load the kids up with sugar and bounce around in a gynormous pirate ship.
Here is a video clip of Emma coming down a huge bouncy slide. WIPE OUT.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Hammock Time

Jack and his Ladies.

Jack & Kate and Lucinda came over this morning for a backyard play date. Baby Hudson and Olivia watched the bigs kids climb and slide like crazy. The hammock was a big hit and I actually got a shot of them in it all together.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pappa G Visits!

Grandpa reading "Pinochio" to Emma.
Oh, those delicious cupcakes ...

Grandpa pushing Em in the hammock swing.

Grandpa was in town overnight for work so he came to the house for burgers and a little grand-kid fun. Both girls were a little shy at first, but warmed up when Grandpa showed them the cupcakes he brought! We played in the backyard, took a walk, read a book and had some cuddle time. It was great to see you Pappa G and we hope to see you soon!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Pugs Gone Wild


Lazy Sunday

Emma checking out her manicure. Pink nail polish for the first time!

Daddy after his soccer game, relaxing with his girls in the hammock.


Emma insisted on wearing her winter vest in 70+ degree weather. She's a fashionista.

A beautiful day in the Rockies ... 70's and breezy. We took it easy today with an early morning walk and then an afternoon playing in the backyard. Ryan played soccer at 2 pm and we baked chocolate chip cookies. A good day indeed!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Zoo with the Clark's

Alex was sacked out for most of the fun.
Olivia was finally let out of the bjorn - she's free!

Emma enjoying her ice cream cone. She shared with Mommy and Liv which was very nice!

Deepi and Max having a great time, while Alex still slept.

Em riding a hippo.

The Boys are ready for adventure.

Today is a gorgeous day in Colorado - high of 80 expected. The girls and I met up with Deepi and her boys Max & Alex for a little zoo time.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Play Date at the Museum

Mac and Cheese time!
VERY patiently awaiting Mom and lunch.

Believe it or not, this is Jo Jo's "happy face" - too cute.

Liv was the Queen Bee and everyone kept bringing her toys. She better not get used to that ...

Emma and Lucinda chasing each other around. Where do they get the energy?

Now, that's a happy girl.

I think NASA better sign these two up ASAP.

Em & Liv met their buddies Jack & Kate, JoJo & Iris, Lucinda and new Baby brother Hudson at the Museum this morning. All of the kids (and Mommies!) did exceptionally well in the Kids Zone and even into lunch in the cafe. No major tantrums, no lost children and no potty accidents - a good day indeed!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Move Over Ariel

There's a new Mermaid in town! Saw this Little Mermaid costume on sale online and I couldn't resist. Emma wore it as soon as we opened the box today. She said "I love my mermaid dress. It's beautiful".