Thursday, April 1, 2010

Great 8

Liv has hit the 8 month mark! She is saying "Momma", "Emma" and likes to high pitch squeal when she gets excited. She loves bath time and playing and she will eat pretty much anything you give her. She has started to try to crawl which I don't think Ryan and I are ready for yet. Emma has continued to be an amazing big sister and she makes Olivia laugh all of the time. It just melts your heart to hear them giggling at each other. Emma calls her "little one" ... "it's ok, little one".

1 comment:

jen said...

she is so beautiful! that's pretty sweet too. crawling isn't sooo bad. julian and max now run around the house chasing each other and racing cars. they also crack each other up. you're right, it melts your heart.