Friday, April 30, 2010

9 is Fine

Olivia hit the 9 month mark this week! She has her two bottom teeth, will eat anything you give her, drinks water from her sippy, pulled herself up in her crib (OMG!), and just today she crawled forward a few paces. She had her doctor appointment yesterday and she weighs the same as Emma did at 9 months but she is just a 1/2 inch or so taller. These two are hilarious together and I can't wait until they are running around chasing each other.
We also discovered today that if you say "cheese" when taking a picture, Olivia gives this crazy scrunched up smile (pic #4).
Photos courtesy of Big Daddy Ryan!

Play Date Friday

We hosted play group this morning and featured a clay pot painting project complete with dirt and flowers seeds. Do you think we're ready for spring?! The kids had a great time and it was nice to catch up with the Mommies.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bye Bye Evergreen State

We made it home to Denver safe and sound and both Girls crashed out on the plane ride - it was heavenly. Thanks to everyone we were able to visit with and those we missed - you're on the list for next time!

Beatty Bonanza!

We were so fortunate to get to spend some play time with Jen, Jayson, Julian and Maxton Beatty. Emma and her BFF, Julian, had a blast chasing each other around, playing on the slide and posing for pics. Max was a force to be reckoned with - he really showed Olivia's bottle who is boss ... and Olivia just hung out on the swing. It was a perfect ending to a fun (but always too short) Seattle trip. Thanks again for hooking us up this weekend - we miss you already!

Let's Build Something ... with Grandma Z

Since Grandma Z had to work the kids clinic at Lowe's, we took the motley crew to her Auburn store to build birdhouses. Grandma Z showed Emma and Gavin what to do and showed off Miss Olivia to anyone who walked by.

GG Time

Olivia met her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, Auntie Kellie, Uncle Joe and cousin Gavin for the very first time. Emma had a chance to build puzzles and goof around with her cousin as well.

CJ and Casey!

We met up with Emma's buddy CJ (Briana's son) and his new sister Casey over at the Green Lake playground. These two took turns on the slide, chased each other around and CJ shared his fruit snack ... too precious. It was great to catch up!

Da Troll

One of Emma's books about Seattle talks about the Fremont Troll (under the 99 bridge) so we make an effort to visit it. Emma was a little hesitant at first but when she saw the dirt and tons of other tourists - we couldn't get her to leave.

Going to Seattle!

We left for Seattle last Thursday for a quick weekend trip. This was the first flight with both girls and I have to admit it wasn't as terrible as I had widly imagined. Here is Emma walking like a Big Girl with her Daddy - she got to pack her very own pink backpack.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jumpy Class!

Wash Park Tumbling class started up again so we headed to the rec center for a little gymnastics fun. JoJo and Iris were there and Emma went to town doing forward rolls, hanging on the bar, balance beam (by herself!) and generally running around. Both girls are napping now ... thank you "jumpy" class!

Side by Side

Here's a picture of Emma at 10 months and Olivia at 8 months. Twins!