Thursday, January 14, 2010

Updates on Da Girls ...

Miss Emma is wearing big girl panties during the day! She has been successful on the potty both at home and at school. She insists now on wearing the panties full time - and her favorite pair is Snow White.
Miss Olivia is loving the solid food (was there ever a question?). She's had green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, corn and applesauce. Oh yummy!
Miss Eloise and Miss Isabelle both got the spa treatment from Ryan last night (a.k.a. bath). They pranced their pretty-girl selves around the house.
Miss Mommy is trying to find the balance between work, home and everything in-between. We are hosting play group tomorrow so I need to find time (yeah right) and energy (what a joke) to clean the house (again, ha ha good luck). Pray for me.

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