Sunday, January 31, 2010

Have a Heart

We started making our Valentine's Day cards today! The idea was to have Emma's handprints positioned to look like a heart... the most important part was that she had FUN! Once these dry we have a few things to add and then we will be sending them off to Family (be on the look out!). I can't wait until this time next year when we have two sets of messy hands making cards.

Friday, January 29, 2010

6 Months Old

Miss Olivia has hit the halfway mark ... 6 months! She had her wellness visit this morning and is tracking in the 75th percentile (much like Emma). Six shots and two flu vaccines and she is still smiling.

Monkey Biz Play Group

Our Friday play group met up at Lil Monkey Bizness this morning. The place was packed but our group managed to get organized and had some quiet fun in the art room. Yes, that is Olivia with Stacy (JoJo & Iris's Mommy) - same gorgeous hair color!

Daddy Train

All aboard! Emma and Olivia riding Daddy. Next stop ... chiropractor.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Too Hot to Handle

Ryan installed an electric fireplace in our living room. The installation was so quick I didn't even have a chance to take a before picture! It's SO cool. It has a quiet hum, gives off some nice heat and has a warm, romantic glow. We just sat around and watched the "fire" last night - right under the 55 inch screen.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Friday, January 22, 2010


Miraculously, both girls are down for a nap at the same time, so I was able to whip up these FAVRE shirts for this weekend's game. GO FAVRE GO! If the Vikings make it to the Superbowl we are throwing a party - whoo hoo!

Just Drillin'

Emma The Builder

Move over Bob, Emma has the power tool! Ryan and Emma built her rocking chair from Christmas together. I am amazed (and thrilled!) that she can help Daddy build stuff now.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


The Gibson's were in full FAVRE gear today for the Vikings v. Cowboys game. Oh yes, Favre had an amazing game - Minnesota was on fire! Next up ... who dat dem gonna beat dem Saints? FAVRE!

Dinner Date

Max and Alex (and Andy & Deepi) came over for pizza last night. The babies took turns snoozing, cooing and crying. Emma entertained everyone, of course. Here is the new neighborhood gang - watch out!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Max & Alex Visit!

Andy & Deepi brought Max and Alex over last night for a visit. They showed off their matching p.j.'s! They are coming over for pizza tonight - stay tuned for pics.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Bunny Hop

Here's video of Olivia in her bunny pants hopping in the jumper. Need I say more?

Play Group at Chez Gibson

Emma hosted her friends at our house this morning. Strawberries, pancakes and lemonade were on the menu as well as crafting tote bags. The biggest hit, of course, was Emma's big girl potty. At one point almost everyone crammed into the bathroom - too precious. Thanks to Jack & Kate, JoJo & Iris, Dylan and Lucinda (and of course, the Mommies!) for coming over to play. See you all next Friday!