Monday, October 12, 2009

First Snow of the Fall

Yes, you read correctly, the first SNOW has hit Denver. If this is any indication as to what we are going to get for Winter .. I am scared! Temps dropped to the teens last weekend which meant keeping the girls cooped up in the house. My oh my trying to keep a 2 year old entertained - we are in trouble. We did manage to take some photos and Emma painted at least 5 times. However, we bought a new laptop and I just "saved" the photos somewhere and can't for the life of me find out where the heck they are. Can you tell I need to get back to working with computers?! On a happy note: both girls are now in Day Care and doing fabulously so I can head back to work next Monday. Fingers crossed the transition continues to go well!

1 comment:

jen said...

holy crap! back to work already?!! good luck.