Friday, July 10, 2009

Olivia Rose Update!

Ryan and I went for our 37 week appointment yesterday which included an ultrasound. Olivia looks perfect (of course!) and weighs approximately 6 lbs 13 ounces. She is head down with her feet poking me in the ribs. She swallowed some amniotic fluid and rubbed her lips together during the ultrasound - it was so cool to see! I have been having contractions off and on but the doctor said that is pretty common in a second pregnancy. Basically we hold on until July 27 or if Olivia decides to venture out early we just head into the hospital for the surgery. They made it sound all very simple so I am definitely more at ease.
My friend Sarah sent Emma a wonderful "Big Sister" book (thanks again!) and it is Emma's favorite book to read right now. The day care also told us that Emma told them she was going to "hold the baby" and "feed the baby" and "help the baby". She's going to rock as a Big Sis!


jen said...

yes she will! i can't wait to get the call and see the pictures of olivia!!!

Sarah Wheelwright said...

yea! glad she likes the book.