Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Ok, Livia

Emma has assumed the role of Big Sis and Mommy's Helper! Here she is helping me out and reassuring her little Sis.

So Tiny!

Here is cutie Emma chatting about how TINY her sister is.

First Meeting!

Sorry this video is too dark and grainy but you can hear Emma talking about Olivia and it is too cute!

Big Sis Emma Meets Lil Sis Olivia

Emma got to meet her little sister Olivia Rose this morning! Emma and her Daddy came to the hospital to welcome Olivia and help Mommy get home. Emma was absolutely precious with Olivia and we can't wait to see their bond grow.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Olivia and Mommy - Day 3

Olivia just continues to grow! She is breast-feeding like crazy and sleeping really peacefully. Pediatrician says she looks perfect (well, duh) and we should be going home tomorrow morning! I was able to shower this morning and get into some "normal" clothes - so I feel fabulous as well. All around great day three! Stay tuned for pictures tomorrow where Big Sis Emma gets to meet Lil Sis Olivia!

1st Road Trip!

No, we did not break out of the hospital early ... Olivia took a spin in her bassinet down the hallway to see Deepi and Nancy! Nancy is Andy's Mom, a.k.a. nurse and all around god-send for Deepi while on bedrest. She is also Emma's walking partner around the block and local Grandma. Here are some pictures from Deepi's hospital oasis and Olivia's Montana Grandma.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

More Visitors!

Deepi scored another wheelchair ride down to see us with her hubby Andy. Olivia met Andy for the first time and seems to approve of him. Here they are getting a little newborn training.

Olivia and Her Daddy

Daughter number two already has Daddy wrapped around her finger, awwww.

Olivia's First Skype!

Olivia had her very first skype session with her Nanna and Pappa G. today - she is so tech savvy. Grandma and Grandpa got to see her fun facial expressions, her alertness and play the "who does she look like" game.

Miss Olivia - Day 2

Olivia had a wonderful night in the nursery, stopping by to nurse quite a bit with Mommy. All is going well - she passed her hearing test, got her Hep C shot and already has been checked by the Pediatrician. I am doing well also! All of my fun machines have been disconnected so I am able to walk around. I also had my first "real food" this morning after 24 hours of water and jello.
Here are some pictures of Olivia on Day 2 at the hospital. Thank you everyone for your well wishes and phone calls. We love you!

Olivia's First Visitors

Heather, her sister Andrea and Emma's BFF Caylen stopped by next! Heather is also pregnant with twins (two girls!) due in October so Olivia already has a play group set up. Caylen and Emma get to be the "Big Sis" girls together which is awesome. Here is Heather meeting Miss Olivia.

Olivia's First Visitors

Our friend Deepi is just down the hall from us in the hospital on bed rest with twin boys due in October. She was able to score a wheelchair ride to come down and see us! Here is Olivia meeting her new friend and Mommy-to-be of her two new boyfriends.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Happy BIRTHday Olivia!

Olivia Rose Gibson is here! Born at 9:38 am, weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches long. She has a little bit of dark hair and Ryan's nose. She is gorgeous! She was a little screamer in the delivery room and she is an excellent eater. Here are some pics of us before the hospital with Big Sis Emma and the first photos of baby Olivia. Thanks everyone for the well wishes!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Baby Olivia Update

Olivia is still scheduled to enter the world on Monday morning. She has been quite active and my OB said her head is so low I could actually do a VBAC and she thinks I would deliver quickly. This means to me that if these contractions I am having start to pattern that I am hauling us to the hospital ASAP - for my c-section! So far I have had about 4 or 5 contractions an hour that have intensified since Monday but they are still pretty randomly timed out - thank goodness. Just a few more days to hold on!

New Outdoor Toys

So I think Ryan is trying to turn our backyard into a mini "Monkey Business" as he has now added a play house and slide. Of course, Emma is utterly excited and went down the slide five times in a row this morning and tried to get Eloise and Belle to go into her house.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Emma and Caylen Play Date

Emma's BFF Caylen came over this morning for some playtime fun, food and of course a wagon ride! These girls are hilarious together. The Mommy's got to catch up and talk about the babies arrivals (Heather is due in Oct. with twin girls!) and Ryan was the Host with the Most firing up grilled cheese sandwiches for all and taking the girls on a wagon ride. Emma crashed not 5 minutes after Caylen left - heavenly...