Friday, May 29, 2009

Potty Training...

At least that was the idea. Despite a head to toe body rash (viral infection) and a trip to the pediatrician - Emma was in great spirits today and told me "Diaper Off". So, after her nap, we put her in a t-shirt and commando Emma played in the backyard with her sand and water table. She almost sat on the potty once, but managed to go pee-pee 4 times while playing. Party was over when she had to poop though. Emma insisted a diaper be put back on. We'll try another day!

1 comment:

Sarah Wheelwright said...

it could have been worse, she could've not asked for the diaper and pooped in the yard. We still are not even anywhere near getting Lucy potty trained - she will sit but not go, it's driving me crazy!