Sunday, May 31, 2009

Soccer Game

Ryan played a double header today at Dick's Sporting Goods field. Needless to say, Emma made it about 15 minutes before wanting to get out of her wagon and explore the fields. It was 80 degrees but felt like 800. Just after half time, we retreated back to the new car and stayed in AC paradise until the end of the first game. Emma and I left poor Ryan alone for the second game and headed home to enjoy the shady backyard.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Respect the Van!

The Gibson's got a new car! Well, Ryan got a work car and it's a brand new sweet ride - a MINIVAN! This car rocks. It's huge, clean, still has the new car smell - oh yeah. Check it out and don't be too jealous!

Potty Training Attempt #2

This afternoon marked the second attempt at Potty Training with Miss Emma. She managed to pee pee 10 times all over the yard and deck (oh and on Ryan) - not so much near the potty. We finally started bribing her with a stamp that she could hold and play with ONLY while on the potty. She didn't actually go pee pee while on the potty but at least she sat on it for a while!

Lil Kickers Soccer Picture

YES! The group and individual soccer pictures have arrived. I scanned this at home so it came out a little funky. Emma was obviously upset in the group photo but did very well in the individual one.

Lil Kicker Saturday

Emma had a fantastic class today! She followed directions, was smiling and even went on the parachute this time - we are thrilled! She has two more Spring classes and then we are signing her up for the outdoor Summer class... stay tuned. Here are some fun pics of Emma wiith Daddy and her soccer buddies.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Potty Training...

At least that was the idea. Despite a head to toe body rash (viral infection) and a trip to the pediatrician - Emma was in great spirits today and told me "Diaper Off". So, after her nap, we put her in a t-shirt and commando Emma played in the backyard with her sand and water table. She almost sat on the potty once, but managed to go pee-pee 4 times while playing. Party was over when she had to poop though. Emma insisted a diaper be put back on. We'll try another day!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Rainy Day Fun

The wet weekend continued! Emma and her Daddy headed outside in the drizzle to have fun anyway with the basketball hoop, water table and pink hot wheels bike.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Weekend Madness!

The day started off gorgeous - sunny and hot - so we ran to Lowe's and planted some new perrenials in the front yard. Just a few hours later, storm clouds and tornado warnings started. By the afternoon we were hit by thunder, lightning and hail! Yes, hail in May. Here are the before shots and during the hail storm. We'll see what tomorrow brings!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Outside for a Real Ride!

Ryan took Emma outside to take the bike for a real ride down the block. Emma is still getting used to it but I know soon we'll be running to catch up to her.

Taking the Bike for a Spin

Here is Emma "riding" her bike in the living room.

Video of the Bike Reveal

Here is a video clip of Emma checking out her new bike from Pappa G and Auntie Jill. Thanks again!!!

Emma's 1st Bike!

Emma's Pappa G and Auntie Jill surprised her with a brand new pink bike! It has daisies and dragonflies on it, a white basket and pink tassels - to die for cute. Here are pictures of the surprise while Nanna and Pappa G and Auntie Jill were on skype this morning. We even took it for a spin down the block. Emma's is growing up so fast!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Emma Grace

Of course, Emma had a fabulous time on another jet set. She had a few tantrums but since this was probably the last flight we will be taking for a while - we endured the torture. Here she is in happier times in Minnesota.


Ashton is Parker's little brother and quite possibly the best and easiest baby in the world. The child just laughs and smiles (and poops and eats) and I hope he is always this happy!


Oh the good 'ol days. After hearing all of Ryan's crazy college stories it was about time to see the place in person. We all took a quick jaunt over to Wisconisn to UW-Stout's campus. We toured Ryan, Mark and Sarah's stomping grounds as well as hit the student union for shirts. We could have swiped a TV or two since kids were moving out on campus but no one went for it. Here are some pictures of Ryan and Emma on campus and on top of the scariest place to live - ever, a.k.a. Ryan's apartment in college.