Sunday, February 19, 2012

Mountain House

Broken leg or not ... Caylen is ready to sled with Emma!

Olivia trying out skis for the first time!

Play D'oh time.

Foam sticker art.

Ipod v. Iphone. Can you believe they are only 4 years old?

Our friends, The Holleman's, graciously invited us to their new mountain house near Vail this weekend. We went sledding, did arts and crafts, and ate and drank to our little heart's content. What a fun weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Creative Cuties

Yesterday, we took the girls to Lowe's for their Kids Club. Ryan helped Emma and Olivia make Valentine's Day boxes.

Today, we broke out a jewelry making kit from Emma's birthday last year. Both girls made two bracelets and a necklace.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Love from Nanna Z

LOVEing the goodies!

When we got home today, we saw a package from Seattle - Nanna Z.! Em and Liv were super excited to open it up and see what treasures were inside. Both girls got their very own Valentine's Day bag full of sunglasses, markers, paper, chocolates, a picture frame and a craft project. We immediately broke out the frame project! These girls go crazy for paint. Thanks again, Nanna Z.!


Going up the gynormous slide.

Getting the bounces out!

We had a two-for-one pass at Pump It Up near Littleton, so we hopped in the car for a fun adventure. Two rooms of bounce houses and slides, oh my. I assumed the girls would be there ALL day and it would be a scene having to leave. However, they lasted only 45 minutes and told me they were tired. Maybe we should invest in a bounce house?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Showing the Love

Emma's valentine's.


Hmm ... decisions, decisions.

Pinterest inspired this year's valentine's day cards. Em and Liv added the stickers to the photo for all of their classmates and friends outside of school. Parties are on Tuesday and the plan is to make heart-shaped woopie pie cookies. Wish us luck!

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Just a wee bit of snow ...

In the snow fort!

Puggies in the snow.

We are buried under 2 feet of snow and it just keeps coming! Ryan made it home safely from Nebraska last night and the girls were excited to play in the snow with their Daddy. Here we are playing in the backyard. Ryan and Emma built a snow fort in the base of the slide and Eloise and Isabelle chased each other through the path. Olivia wasn't sure about the snow at first, but found that swinging in the snow could be fun.