Friday, May 27, 2011


Mom, take a picture of me doing this and put it on the blog.


A Nun?

Preppy look.

Mother Theresa?

The flying Nun?

Ready for BBQ!

Waiting for our dinner at Dave & Buster's, the girls break out the napkin fashion show.

Just BEAD It

Jack and Kate and their "jeweler", Mom Kristi.

SO serious about the beading.

Jo Jo and Iris beading away.


Olivia found some fun.

The play group craft time - amazing they can sit still for 20 minutes!

After dance class this morning, Lucinda and Hudson hosted play group! The kids made really cool beaded necklaces, had snacks and worked off some energy in the bouncy house outside. Ahhh, loving the naps after play date. Thanks for having us over!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Play Group

Check it out! Kate and Emma, future at Boeing?

JoJo rocking the orange airplane.

Iris and Olivia decorating their planes.

Jack, Emma and Lucinda carefully deciding which stickers to use.

After Dance class, the Friday play group was ON! Today we made paper airplanes decorated with markers and stickers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

To The Mall

Rainy morning ... what to do? How about the play area at Cherry Creek Mall? Fabulous!

Friday, May 13, 2011

D is for Duck

A pair of ducks visited our neighborhood after dinner last night. Mr. and Mrs. Duck were having a romantic stroll by our house so we ran out to shower them with bread. The girls were in heaven. Sadly, the ducks have moved on down the road.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rain Dance

It has been raining cats and dogs here today. The girls were excited to try out their rain boots so after school we jumped in the puddles. Chicken soup and grilled cheese for dinner - a perfect night!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom's Day!

Fingerprint card made by Olivia in her day care class.

Flower card made by Emma in her preschool class.

Happy Mother's Day to you, Mom! We celebrated with a pancake and bacon breakfast followed by a bike ride and picnic at the park/playground. Naps for everyone (including Mom!) and backyard fun this afternoon. Gorgeous weather and generous gifts - thank you Emma and Olivia! I am truly blessed to have you in my life and I love you very much!

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Back at the Depot after soccer to build flower pot holders for Mother's Day! Girls got to build AND paint today which was a fun surprise. Paint in the hair, paint in the mouth, paint on the soccer uniform ...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Neighborhood Play Date

The sun is out so grab the sidewalk chalk and bubbles! Lucinda and Hudson from down the street came over for a play date as well as Max and Alex from across the street. So fun!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Zoo Fun

Movie Star!


Pretty close ...

Banging on the drums in Africa.

Goofing off near the River Hogs.

Baby geese!

We went to the zoo this morning to check out the animals that are enjoying the spring sunshine. Stopped by the elephants, monkeys, flamingoes and had snacks near the duck pond.