Monday, February 28, 2011

Beach Babes

We made it to Orlando last weekend for a sunny getaway. Weather was in the 80's, sunscreen was on and we took Disney World and Cocoa Beach by storm. We had so much fun that we are all still recovering ... I think bedtime will be at 8pm tonight, for the adults. Here are some shots from Cocoa Beach. Disney photos to come soon!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

Friendship Party

Ryan and I attended Emma's "Friendship Party" at her preschool class this afternoon. Just adorable watching these kids hand out valentines and eat their snacks. Olivia got her fair share of sugar in Nursery 3 but she surprised us with a single red rose and stuffed pink monkey - too cute!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Be Mine, Meow

The mail man delivered cards of love to Em and Liv from the grand parents and great-grand parents. There was a kitty cat theme: 4 out of 6 cards! Thank you all so much for the cards and gifts. Special thanks for the Starbucks cards - you know who you are!

Build It x 2

Don't be alarmed, that is a fruit stick - not a nail.

Emma and Olivia showed their Daddy how to hammer at the Lowe's Kids Club this morning. Emma built a Bug Box and Olivia built a picture frame. Bring on the power tools!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Backpack, Backpack

Yes, that is a SPAM shirt, mardi gras beads and two tutus.

I couldn't resist giving Liv the "mini-princess" backpack version of Emma's that Ryan's Mom sent for Valentine's Day. Ry is in Phoenix for work so I have kept the box of goodies Grandma and Grandpa sent out of sight until he gets back tomorrow night. However, we were playing downstairs and Emma had her princess backpack on from Auntie Kellie - I just had to grab Liv's. So cute! Hopefully they will wear them on our flight/trip to Florida in 2 weeks - and not have Mommy carry them (like last time).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Room 134

Mr. Snowman
Em practicing her "W"

A footprint becomes a cute penguin!

Emma has been busy this winter in her preschool class learning about the cold weather, snow, artic animals and her ABC's.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Before Bowl Play Date

Emma did not like the paparazzi.

Liv is ready for the Big Game.



The girls and I trudged through the snow for a play date at the Holleman's! Emma and Caylen played dress up and then made Valentine's Day cards while Olivia, Lucy and Hallie tore up the place - 18 month olds are VERY busy.

Packer Breakfast

Steeler's who?

Girls are up and geared for the game!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Pretzel PACK

Inspired by tomorrow's Super Bowl game, Emma helped me make Packer Pretzels! We plan to surprise Caylen's family with them tomorrow morning at our play date. Go PACK Go!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Dance and Play Friday

Olivia LOVES playing with the Big kids.

Emma and Kate.

JoJo and Iris.

Kate and her Mommy Kristi.

Jack and his Ladies.

Friday Dance class with play group after at Chez Gibson. We made suncatcher hearts out of wax paper and melted crayons - pretty cool.