Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reno, Oh Reno

No more gray hallway!

DVD's are alphabetized, of course.

The basement reno continues as 2011 ends and 2012 begins, literally. It's 10:15 pm on New Year's Eve. Ryan and I are painting the basement (from gray to a latte color) while drinking celebratory sparkling wine (thanks, Stacy!). Shelves and DVD's are in the built-in. Sectional should be delivered by Wednesday and then it's TV installation time. 2012 is going to be looking good for the Gibson basement!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Dry Wall

The corner where our sectional will go. Now home to the vacuums and tools.

Ryan continues the reno with his drywall mastery and electrical skills. Next, we need to make a decision on a flat screen and install. Sectional couch should be arriving in a few weeks!

Snow Tower?

We tried the shrunken head snow man first ...

The Gibson Tower. Kind of like Trump Plaza, don't you think?

Ryan and the girls decided to build a snowman in the side yard. Snow was good for packing, and everyone jumped in to help. Instead of the usual three-ball snow dude, Emma decided a snow tower would be better. They are creative girls, aren't they?

Brush It

Em and Liv got spin brushes in their stocking from Santa. Best part, they came with stickers to decorate as their own. We got a good 20 minutes of stress-free play time out of this one!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!

Stockings filled with goodies.

A spin brush toothbrush!

Ariel and Snow White baby dolls!

Girls were filled with joy this morning as they opened gifts from Santa, Mom & Dad, Grandma & Grandpa, Grandma Z, UD & Jill B, Auntie Kellie and Family and the Steinhofers. WOW. Books, dolls, clothes, games - such wonderful presents! Thank you to everyone for making Emma and Olivia's Christmas Day so special. We love you all!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Sprinkling the magic reindeer food: oatmeal, cinnamon and glitter.

Zoo lights!

A purple tiger.

It's here! We made sugar cookies for Santa and sprinkled magic reindeer food for Rudolph and company. Kept the Eve tradition with Zoo Lights and a fast food run. Bath time and the babes are in bed dreaming of sugar plums and disney princess dolls. Santa even managed to hit our house already so Mom and Dad can rest up for an early morning. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Program

Emma's preschool class gave their annual Christmas program yesterday. Here she is with her BFF Caylen singing "Happy Birthday to Jesus".

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Oh, Reno

Side dvd cabinets and bottom cabs with drawers, in.

Doors work, check.

Upper cabinet with doors now in, check.

As we busily prepare for Christmas next weekend, the basement reno begins. Ryan had taken down the drywall (where our built-in unit and tv will go) a few weeks ago. Yesterday, we installed the IKEA dvd cases and cabinets. Next, Ryan will be re-installing the drywall, trim and finally hooking up a new flat screen tv. The new sectional couch is being shipped from China and should arrive in a few weeks. Hopefully we will have this room ready by mid-January!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Play Group Christmas

Iris, Kate, Lucinda and Dylan
JoJo, Emma and Jack

Olivia gave Lucinda her book gift.

Jo Jo opening her book.

The Friday play group got together at the Lindwalls to celebrate the Holiday. Kristi made Bailey's from scratch as well as some delicious snacks. The kids had a book exchange while the Mommies had a vino swap. Daddies were there too, watching football. Happy Holidays to all!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Candy Cane Festival

Riding the train.

The caboose!

On the carriage ride.

Hammond's Candy Factory held their annual Candy Cane Festival today. We went for the first time and it was really fun! We took a picture with Santa and Mrs. Claus, Emma went on a bouncy slide, we rode the Holiday train and took a ride on a horse-drawn wagon. Pretty cool stuff!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Singing E-Card

In case you haven't seen this masterpiece yet, copy and paste into your browser.

I have watched this 5 times now, and it brings tears to my eyes it is so funny. Enjoy!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Belle must think she is in Michigan again.

Snowball fight!

Play time in the backyard snow!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Florida 2011 Trip

Click here to view these pictures larger


Emma with Da Man in red.

Santa made a special stop in Denver! Bass Pro Shop (because Santa likes to hunt and fish ...) had free pics with Santa and kid crafts. They also had a moose, bear and elk carousel. Emma was brave and chatted with Mr. Claus, while Olivia simply said "no, no picture", and that was that. Maybe next year!

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Pool buddies!

View from our hotel balcony. Look familiar?!

Sad day ... we had to check out of the Oceanique condo, but, we moved just a few doors down to a hotel. Same beautiful beach, pool, restaurant - very cool. Only 3 days of paradise left and then back to reality. Thanks again, Grandma and Grandpa Gibson for the timeshare!