Friday, December 31, 2010


Checking out the snow outside, looks cold!
Whatcha doing?

Emma's in the fish tank.

Is this my Mummy?

Snow didn't stop us from getting out of the house today. We bundled up and headed to the Museum!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Liv could be on to something here ... Snow + Soccer = SNOCCER?

Snow Day!

Lil Snow Angel

Let's GO!

The promised snow storm has landed. Just a few inches so far, but it is coming down steadily. The girls were super excited to get their gear on and play. Even Eloise and Isabelle ran around like crazy (I'm thinking it reminded Belle of her Michigan days).

Monday, December 27, 2010

Blossoms of Light

We ventured out to the Botanical Gardens with our friends the Lindwall's to experience "Blossoms of Light". There were some cool lights to view but the place was packed and there are a lot of water features that made us kind of crazy when the kids were near them. Glad we went but we'll be sticking to the Zoo lights from now on. Thanks again for going with us Kristi, Joe, Jack and Kate!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Thank you to everyone for making this Christmas so magical for Emma and Olivia. We are buried in a sea of pink princesses and they love it. We hope you all had a wonderful day and make this year a fun one! Love you!

Friday, December 24, 2010

He Was Here!

Santa has filled the stockings already - that reindeer food must have done it!

Dear Santa

We did not write Santa a letter this year, but Emma and her Dad did write a "Thank You" note complete with milk, cookies and a pink mini-donut from Starbucks. Oh, and carrot sticks for the reindeer in case the Magic Food wasn't enough. Now, the girls are tucked in their beds with princess jammies on (thanks Uncle Douggie!) dreaming of presents from the Big Guy. Merry Christmas to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT!

Feed the Deer

My friend Jane from work makes "Magic Reindeer Food" for her grandkids every year. She gave us a bag (oats, cloves and glitter!) with instructions and Emma was pumped to sprinkle it in the yard for the hungry reindeer tonight.

Zoo Lights

Our new Christmas Eve tradition (now 2 years running!) is to attend zoo lights! It was chilly but the hot cocoa and amazing lights made it fun.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Sushi in Denver? you say. Yes way. Japon restaurant is one of the best and only a block from our house. Surprisingly, Olivia was a huge fan of the California roll, while Emma did enjoy the miso soup. We had a bento box of chicken, beef and salmon teriyaki with sushi and gyoza - YUMM-O.


Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2011, from the Playgroup.

Who's Your Santa?

Dylan is not so sure about the hat.

Cuitie patootie JoJo!

Say "candy cane!"