Sunday, June 27, 2010

Soccer Sunday

Daddy at half-time.

Blowing bubbles with new friend Katie.

We cheered Ryan on this morning in his final game of the season. Emma found a new playmate, Katie, while Liv entertained herself with a gatorade bottle. Ole, ole, ole, ole.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Double or Nothing

Fake food for everyone!

Ryan found a great double stroller on craigslist so we took it for a spin today. The girls were giggling and sharing toys - absolutely adorable. If you notice the road rash on my left shoulder - I bit it on our earlier bike ride. I hadn't even had a World Cup beer yet, so sad.

Summer Bike Ride to the Playground

Liv is not a big fan of the group slide.

Liv was not really a fan of the single slide either ...

Since Denver is expecting another 90 + degree day today, we took off early for a bike ride around DU and to the playground.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Welcome Home

My fabulous Welcome Home sign!

This week Mommy left for a business trip to San Diego while Daddy manned the ship solo. The Girls did great and I think they actually grew while I was gone.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Wishing a wonderful day to all the Daddy's out there. Thank you for everything!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Roses are Pink, White ...

Our roses are blooming in the backyard. First one was a bubble gum pink, second are white roses - originally the bushes were red, go figure!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Chef Gibby

Olivia in "awe" of her big sister the chef.

Yes, we consider using the microwave as "cooking" at our house.

Emma donned her chef outfit (thanks again Holleman's!) and was showing Olivia the ropes in the kitchen. Olivia was the official plastic food tester.

Close Encounter

We went to the zoo on Thursday morning and Emma got up close and personal with some big cats.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Not so much. Usually, Emma is a very loving big sister and tries to make Livvy laugh. Tonight, however, Emma had enough of Olivia's piano "playing".


Emma's pink princess piano seems to be Liv's toy of choice as of late. She likes to pull up on it, make all kinds of noise and sometimes bite the keys. I'd say she's got raw talent here, right?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Alyssa Marie!

My youngest Sister Kellie had her second child today, a baby girl!

Alyssa Marie Lord was born June 1st at 9:31 am weighing 7lbs, 10 oz and 19.88 inches long.

Momma and Dad are doing well and Big bro Gavin is on his way to meet his precious little Sis. Congratulations Kellie, Joe and Gavin! Happy BIRTHday Alyssa!