Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Swim Class with Pappa G

Another fun swim class - this time Pappa G joined in!

Train to Downtown

We hopped the light rail train to downtown Denver this afternoon and stopped by the Chop House for a late lunch. A gorgeous day in Denver but Fall is flying in fast with all of this wind! Swim Class tonight ... stay tuned for pics.

2 Month Wellness

It's hard to believe that Miss Olivia is 2 months old already. We took her to her doctor appointment today and she survived her 5 immunization shots - poor baby! She weighs 11 lbs 10 oz and is in the 75% for weight and 85% for height ... she's following in her big sister's footsteps. Bonus: Olivia slept from 8:30 pm to 4:30 am last night. YES! 8 hours of blissful sleep, halleluiah!

BIG Market Wednesday

We took Nanna and Pappa G over to the Cherry Creek Market this morning. Nanna picked up some sweet corn and cantelope for dinner tonight and Pappa G bought us all cookies!

SUPER Chefs!

For Nanna G's birthday, Emma created matching aprons for her and Nanna. We used glitter puffy paints and traced Emma's handprints.

Afternoon Delight

Pappa G took Emma on a bike ride through Wash Park last night. They did two loops!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

To the Zoo with Nanna!

Nanna G and I packed up the Girls and headed to the zoo this morning. We saw monkeys, penguins, a cheetah, zebras and a sea lion demo. We also got ice cream - OF COURSE! Liv slept the whole time ... go figure. Here we are having fun! (fuzzy photo from the humid rainforest bird exhibit).

Nanna and Pappa G Arrive!

Nanna and Pappa G drove into town yesterday for their first visit to meet Little O. Emma kept her grandparents busy by showing off her big girl room and playing with her toys outside. Olivia met Nanna and Pappa and gave a "thumbs up" of approval. These girls were ridiculously spoiled with new clothes from grandma and Emma got the mother-load of Barbie stuff from her Auntie Jill (thanks Jill!).

Saturday, September 26, 2009

SPAM Babies

Em and Liv showing their Hormel pride ...

Family Photos

Goofing around before bedtime ...

Firehouse Pancake Breakfast and Soccer Practice

We supported the local Fire House by attending their annual pancake breakfast this morning! Tons of folks from the Wash Park neighborhood showed up and the kids got to touch a real fire truck and helicopter - very cool. Of course, I left the camera at home so no photos to share (boo). Afterwards, we met up with the "Perk Pups" gang and had a soccer "practice". Emma had a blast with her buddies Jack & Kate, Jo Jo & Iris and Lucinda. Their play group is now sponsored by a local coffee shop (Wash Perk) and the kids get cute t-shirts and the Mommies/Daddies get free coffee and pastries during our Saturday morning "pactices". Stay tuned for pics next Saturday!!!