Sunday, August 30, 2009

Play Doh Time!

I found this great play doh set at Toys R Us for $5.99 and it came in handy for our rainy afternoon today.

Sunday Market

We had a chilly morning at the Old Pearl Street Farmer's Market today. We ate blueberry pastries, listened to music, looked at booths and Emma sampled a cantelope.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tora Visits!

Our dear friend Tora from Seattle visited us today while here in Denver for work. She got to meet Miss Olivia while Emma was at soccer - here they are bonding. Thanks again for the quilt Tora. We miss you already!

Emma Meets Cotton Candy

Emma had her last summer soccer session today and they followed it up with Kids Fest at Bladium Stadium. Emma and Caylen went on the bouncy house - but more importantly, she got to experience COTTON CANDY for the first time. Needless to say - she loved it and has still not gone down for a nap today.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Soccer and a Fish Fry

So we went over to University of Denver's campus to watch a college women's soccer match, however, the new stands they just built at DU have no cover and folks were melting in their seats (obviously DU does not specialize in any Planning/Design or Engineering programs). We watched for a bit in the shade of the complex until we got kicked out. After running around on campus, we headed over to Spanky's for a Friday night Wisconsin-style fish fry! The perch was delicious as well as the cheese curds and Leinie's summer brew. The Manager is actually from Appleton, Wisconsin and graduated a year before Ryan - small world!

At the Playground

Up early to get some playground time in before all of the other Mommy/Nannies invade.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Em and Liv chillaxing on the bean bag watching Disney XD. Precious!

Monkey Biz

We spent the morning at our favorite kid place - Lil Monkey Bizness. Here's Emma having some fun.

Monday, August 24, 2009

B & W

Olivia is 4 Weeks Old!

Miss Olivia turns 1 month old this week - time is flying by! We did a photo shoot to commemorate the date, of course. Yes, her hair is turning red and her personality is matching it - she has quite the temper!