Thursday, April 23, 2009

Silly Dogs

Many of you have actually witnessed this pug craziness first-hand. I had the opportunity today to catch it on video. Enjoy!

Summer is Here!

Denver basically skipped Spring altogether and gave us a gorgeous summer day - in the high 70's! We broke out Emma's t-shirts and shorts (thanks Nanna G!) and I am tempted to buy her some cute sandals tomorrow. Today we played in the sandbox with Emma's new purple Dora bucket and shovel set (thanks Nanna Z!) and swung on the swing.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Family Time

Saturday we spent with my Family in Duvall at Emma's Auntie Kellie's house. Kellie, Joe and Gavin had a feast of food for everyone! GiGi, Nanna Z, Auntie Carol, Auntie Nicole, Uncle Doug and cousin (baby) Brayden. Thanks everyone for Emma's Easter gifts!

Black and White Session

Couldn't resist using black and white - the Seattle cloudy sky is perfect!

SEA-Ya! Trip to Seattle

We just got back from our weekend trip to Seattle. Although we wished we could have seen more Friends and Family - these three day trips are just way too short to do it all. We decided to be "tourists" this time around and show Emma the sights... Pike Place Market, the troll under the bridge, waterfront Piers, Alki and of course Green Lake. Emma loves Seattle!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Casa Bonita!

We finally made it to the infamous Casa Bonita in Denver. This place is a land mark and even though the food isn't the greatest, the place is packed full of entertainment. South Park even did an episode on it (season 7). Basically, if Walt Disney got drunk in Tijuana and had a kid - it would have been Casa Bonita. Cliff divers, mariachi bands, gun fights ... you name it. Gavin and Emma had a blast!

The Hunt is ON!

The Easter Bunny Came!

That silly Easter Bunny came to our house a whole day early! Emma and Gavin loaded up on the eggs with tons of fun loot inside. Thank you Easter Bunny!

Lil Kickers Time!

Aunt Kellie, Uncle Joe and Gavin came along to Lil Kickers to cheer Emma on - and get a little soccer ball action themselves!