Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stroller Test

Emma should seriously be a toy tester. Her she is with the stroller.

New Stroller!

Another sunny and warm day in Denver and there is hardly a trace of the foot of snow from Thursday - incredible. We took the dogs for a long walk and got a little shopping done. Emma finally got her very own stroller since it is the first toy she plays with at every little girlfriend's house. This one is pink and purple and has the Disney Princesses on it. Emma tested it out on the front porch with and without her baby doll.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


Emma was first up to kick the ball into the Goal. Go Emma!

Red Light/Green Light #2

Emma and her Daddy played Red Light/Green Light this time!

Emma Dribbling

Here is a video clip before class of Emma dribbling the ball.

Soccer Saturday!

Emma had her 2nd Lil Kicker's class this morning. She did so awesome! She chased her BFF Caylen around and participated in each activity in her Bunny group. Emma kicked a soccer ball into the net and through a noodle, helped hold the parachute and gave a group cheer - it was great!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Here Comes the Sun do de do

The sun is out! The blizzard has past and the sun is here to melt away the snow and ice - hooray! Emma and I hung out with the dogs in the backyard and then took a stroll around the block. Yes, I put sweaters on the dogs - and they LOVE it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I might rent Emma and Ryan out to clear sidewalks ...

It Is STILL Snowing

Ok, ok, so the weather folks were right for a change - we have quite a bit of snow right now and we are under "Blizzard" warning until 6 am tomorrow. Good grief. We celebrated by going out to dinner with Andy and Deepi on Gaylord street and then playing in the snow afterwards.

Springtime in Denver


So, the weather report was 1 foot of snow in the next few days. Hmmm. I had my doubts being that it is Spring and the weather people are always wrong here. We woke to just a dusting of snow but it has amped up and been snowing all day. Emma and I are making the best of it. We colored, made snickerdoodle cookies and watched the snow. We even had a surprise visit from Emma's friend Lucinda!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Caylen's 2nd Birthday Party

Emma's BFF Caylen turned 2 yesterday and today she had her party! We ate delicious pizza and fruit and Emma had so much fun playing with Caylen, Austin and Nena. Happy 2nd Birthday Caylen!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sand Box Saturday

Ryan put Emma's kiddie pool to good use by filling it with sand for a sandbox! Emma had a blast playing in the sand with her shovel, rake and bucket. Here she is enjoying the afternoon.

Red Light/Green Light Video #1

Lil Kickers - 1st Class!

Emma had her first Lil Kickers class this morning. She is part of the Bunnies team (18m to 2 yr) and her BFF Caylen is on the Thumper team (2 to 3 yr). Class started off great and we had fun playing with the soccer balls, squishy balls and red light/green light game. Emma stacked cones and popped bubbles and even rode in the parachute. She had a little bit of a struggle with the "sharing" concept, but we're hoping to work on that. Here are some photos before class with Caylen and also during her class. Go #4!