Saturday, February 28, 2009

Friday, February 27, 2009

Vail with Cadee and Dominic

Cadee (who went to college with Ryan) and her son Dominic were in Vail this week with her Family. We headed up there to vist and go sledding! The sun was out and it turned out to be a nice and relaxing day. Here are some photos of Emma and Dominic sledding behind her parents place on the golf corse.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Las Day of Nanna and Pappa's Visit

WOW. This weekend just flew by with all of the fun we had with Nanna and Pappa G! Emma was exhausted tonight after we dropped them off at the airport. She had such a great time and wanted to call Nanna on the phone right when we got home. I know she misses her buddies! Thanks again for visiting us and we'll see you this summer! LOVE YOU!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Emma's 1st Haircut

This morning we took Emma to Jack n Jill's to get her first professional haircut. It started out very well, she had her Nanna and Pappa there and she got to sit in a red convertible car. She did very well and sat very still through the haircut but cried when the stylist put her hair in a ribbon. Here are the cutest photos!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Pappa and Emma - Ride On!

Pappa G and Emma having fun on Daddy's cruiser bike.

Nanna and Pappa G Visit!

Nanna and Pappa G arrived last night and the fun has just started! Pappa read Emma some books, Nanna watched Barney with Emma and then we all went to lunch today - and Pappa rode with Emma on the bike!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Going on a Bike Ride

It's still too chilly to take the cruiser bikes for a spin but we bought Emma's new carrier anyways! Emma and her Daddy tested it out with a ride around the block. Looks like we'll be having a lot of biking fun this spring and summer!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Be Mine, Daddy?

Emma and her Daddy having fun in the backyard. What a cute couple of Gibson's!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Yesterday, Emma and I visited her Day Care class for snack time in honor of Valentine's Day. She showed off by being crazy-hyper and not letting any of the other kids get near me. I think she's definitely ready for a sibling, right?! Here she is sitting with her buddies at the snack table.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Adventures

The morning started off sunny and beautiful with a Family trip to Target. Here are two cute photos of Emma and Ryan reading books on the couch. However, Ryan came down with a nasty body ache flu and the weather turned chilly so we ended up home bound most of the day. Emma and I did venture out to the library and checked out an Elmo dvd plus got books on potty training (to be continued). We also had some fun with play doh for the very first time. Emma lasted about 10 minutes before she kept trying to eat it ... so away it went. I was smart enough to take pictures of the first few moments of fun!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Popsicle Time

As a special treat Emma got to eat her very own grape popsicle - although Mommy had a few licks. Eloise and especially Belle were trying to get in on the action and ended up eating the popsicle after it melted and fell off the stick. Here are some photos of Emma and a super cute one of Belle trying to lick Emma's grapelicious face.