Saturday, January 31, 2009


Since Emma's smile is rarely captured by me on camera - she's too quick and I'm too slow ... we played a little paparazzi in the backyard. I basically chased her around and took pictures REALLY up close to her face. Some of these actually turned out cute (and not too blurry).

Emma Loves the Outdoors

We had a chance to enjoy some sunshine today in the backyard with the pugs before going on a Family walk to the park. Here is Emma running around, giving a stick to Eloise and the dogs hamming it up for the camera.

13 Week Photo Shoot

Baby Gibson #2 makes it's debut! All went well at the early screening and Baby is growing right on schedule. Baby had a strong heartbeat and thanks to drinking a Coke right before the appointment - was very active ... much like Miss Emma was. No definite indication if it is a Boy or Girl yet so we will have to wait until 20 weeks. Here are the photos!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Oh Yes, She Has TANTRUMS Too

Emma has her moments and unfortunately, I caught a temper tantrum today on film. Emma was being hilarious running around the house so I went to grab the camera just in time for her mood to switch and the Terrible Almost Two came out. YIKES. Enjoy this precious moment.

Emma Gets A Potty

Emma has been telling us when she has gone "poo poo" in her diaper so we figured it might be time to get her interested in a potty. We bought a simple one at Target - you cannot believe the bells and whistles (literally) that come with potty's now. Here is Emma playing with the lid and my Label maker addition of "Emma's Potty".

Friday, January 23, 2009

12 Weeks and Counting ...

We had our 12 week ultrasound for Gibson Baby #2 this morning! Emma got to be part of the visit and we all heard the Baby's heart beat for the first time. No ultrasound today as everything is progressing just fine. I've gained one pound - even though my tummy looks like I gained about ten! We will post a 3 month belly shot this weekend for your viewing pleasure. We have an appointment on Monday for early screening of Down Syndrome and we are told that this ultrasound will be really cool and they might even be able to show us the sex. We are excited! We will definitely post the ultrasound pic on Monday and hopefully gender news at 13 weeks!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Emma and the Pugs

Instead of the zoo we opted for time with the pugs in the backyard - which, actually, with those two IS quite a zoo. Here is Emma playing with her two best furry friends Isabelle (Belle) and Eloise (Ella).

Video of Emma Playing in the Dirt

Emma was really into playing in the dirt at the park this morning. Here's a clip of her - enjoy!

Emma at the Playground

It was a little chilly this morning but we decided to hit the playground at Wash Park anyways. Emma found a few sand box toys there and had a blast putting dirt in the containers and dumping them out. She didn't touch the swings or the play equipment - just loving the dirt and watching the other kids play. I tried to get her to smile for the camera, but Miss serious face Emma was out today. She's down for a nap now - fell asleep in the stroller-ride home. Hopefully it will warm up and we can hit the zoo this afternoon!

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Flu

Poor little Emma battled the flu yesterday but is almost 100% back to her perky self today. This little girl was SO sick. Luckily, we had a lot of football to watch while lounging around the house. Today, Emma's fever is gone and she hasn't thrown up at all. She's been chasing the dogs and giggling like normal so I bet she's in for a full recovery for Day care tomorrow. I was hoping to take her somewhere fun today to post pictures but we'll just have to wait until this weekend. Take care!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Zoo Day

A gorgeous day in Denver to hang out at the zoo. Emma and I headed out and spent our time with the polar bears, sea lions, the tropical rainforest exhibit and felines. We had chicken fingers for lunch and this time we had a friendly peacock come by and check us out. Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Playing in the BIG Girl Room

Every morning and every night we have been playing with Emma in her new Big Girl room. We won't be transitioning her for a little while but she seems to be having fun in her special place. Tonight Ryan grabbed the camera and little ham Emma posed for some pictures.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Waffle to Waffle

As the kids poured into the play area, Emma got a little silly. Here is a video clip of her going from one waffle to another.

Breakfast at the Mall

Temps dropped dramatically today so playtime at the good ol' Cherry Creek Mall was on our agenda. I took photos in normal as well as indoor and they literally look like night and day -- we we not there ALL day, I promise. Here is Emma playing on the bacon, strawberries and bannanas. Emma is also sporting her cute new outfit from the Steinhoffer's (Great Aunt Dawn, Great Uncle Bruce and cousins Casey and Andrea) - thanks again!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Emma at the Zoo

Today was a beautiful day in Mile High with 60 degrees and sunshsine. Emma and I went to the zoo where she saw monkeys, elephants and one goose that wanted her hot dog. Here are some photos of Emma in the Monkey House, by the frozen pond and being stalked by the bird.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Daddy and Emma

Couldn't resist adding this photo. Emma and her Daddy goofing around on her new big girl bed.
I am leaning towards this super cute bedding set at with polka dots and froggy sheets - how perfect with the new Frog Prince table, right?!

New Furniture for Emma's BIG Girl Room

With the impending late summer arrival of Emma's little brother or sister, we have been fixing up the former "Tropical" guest bedroom into a princess palace for the BIG girl. We kept the tropical green wall color - it's soothing, light and we won't have to repaint it (i.e. LAZY). Ryan found a great dresser and we spotted this Frog Prince and Princess table on super clearance at Big Lots today. Here are some photos of the room, new stuff and Emma testing it out.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today a cold front hit Denver causing temps to drop and a few snow flurries. We decided to get out and about before any real snow came down. We ended up at Colorado Mills Outlet Mall and let Emma walk around and "window shop". Here are a few pics of her on the kiddie rides there.
Later that day, we "did lunch" with some sharks - literally. We ate at the Denver Aquarium and Emma got to eat chicken fingers while inches away from sharks, eels and millions of fish! Ryan and I weren't so nice - we ate fish tacos right in front of the fish - I know, but they were so delicious!