Saturday, November 29, 2008

Holiday Glow

Here is our house at night with the icicle lights - so pretty!

Deck the Halls!

Santa, we are ready for you! We went to Home Depot, got our Christmas tree, set up our decorations and like magic ... the snow came! Luckily, only about an inch came so it was pretty but we could still get around easily. Emma saw the snow when she woke up this morning and calls it "bubbles". She also calls the ocean "bubbles" and regular bubbles "bubbles". Here are some photos of our elf work. Enjoy!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Gobble. Gobble. Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a delicious and laid back Thanksgiving feast last night accross the street at our friends Andy and Deepi's house. Emma had a ton of fun running around their house and getting into every nook and cranny - she loves to open doors right now. Emma thoroughly enjoyed a roll, some turkey and quite a bit of the sweet potato casserole, go figure.
Hope everyone had a lovely holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bye Bye Mickey .. See You Real Soon!

After the parade we made our way to the monorail and back to the parking lot. Emma was all smiles and even had her Minnie ears still on! She did crash out when we got back to the hotel. It was a Happily Ever After ending to our Florida Vacation. The End.

The Parade

We stuck around for the parade at 3 pm and Emma sat with her Daddy amazed at the floats, dancers and characters. She was pretty tired at this point but she had her Minnie Mouse ears on (she kept them on for over 2 hours!) and she rallied.

Oh... The Rides

Now, there's not too many rides little Miss Emma can go on at 14 months old but we hit the ones she could. Snow White's Scary Adventure first, Dumbo second, then It's A Small World and Pirates of the Caribbean. Emma actually fell asleep about 10 seconds into Pirates - it was too cute. Here are some shots of us on the rides.

M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E!

YES. Today, Day 9 of the Gibson Family adventure to Florida was all about the Magic Kingdom! We actually had a fantastic day - lines weren't too long, traffic was non-existent and we didn't spend an absolute fortune (just a small one). The day started off quite chilly so Emma and Mommy got new clothes! You will see Emma sporting her pink Minnie Mouse outfit throughout most of the photos. Let the show begin!
Emma is ready for fun!
Emma and Mommy chat with Daisy Duck.
Emma and Daddy blow kisses by Cinderella's Castle.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Florida Vacation Day 8: Orlando

We checked out of Oceanique this morning and headed to Orlando. After checking into our room at the Marriott Grand Vista, we spent most of the day exploring this gynormous place and playing in all of the pools. Just two pictures to share of Emma playing on the sun porch in the hotel room. Saving my camera skills for tomorrow's DISNEY WORLD adventure!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Shuttle Launch

Dolphin Video


A dream come true! We got to witness the shuttle launch of Endeavor tonight at 7:55 pm EST. It was so cool. There were a ton of people out on the beach and all you could see was flashes from cameras. The shots I have and the video just make it look like a dot in the sky - but I promise you it was AWESOME! Here are some photos and I'll try to post the videos next.

Day 7 and Last Day/Night at Oceanique

Today we went searching for manatees at the Promenade in nearby Melborne. Unfortunately, we never saw a manatee but we did see a ton of catfish, birds, turtles and even a dolphin! Here are some photos from the day. We check out tomorrow morning and then drive to Orlando for DisneyWorld on Sunday!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

WHOA DUDE. Surfin' Safari!

We have been mesmerized by the local surfers here. They have been right outside our room as well as showing off at Cocoa Pier. Here are some sweet shots of random surfer dudes. Hang Loose!

Day 6 of Florida Vacation Bliss!

Day 6 brought us more sunshine! We took a drive out to Cape Canaveral, stopped by the Cocoa Beach pier where we petted a Pelican named "Sweetie" and watched surfers, then headed to NASA and the Kennedy Space Center. We took a wrong turn but actually crossed the border into NASA! A nice military man told us to turn around. After lunch at Taco City in Cocoa we headed back for pool time in the afternoon. No beach bumming today - but there's always tomorrow!

Please enjoy these photos from the Pier.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Black and Whites

Ok, so the beach is totally inspiring me with the b/w photography! Here are some more shots from Day 5.