Friday, September 26, 2008

Swing Me to the Moon

Video of Emma in a swing at the playground.

Emma at the Playground

Emma and I decided to check out the playground at Wash Park today. I have tried a few times but lately when we reach the swings on our walk Emma is fast asleep~ Not today! Emma loved the swings and really loved people watching.

Here she is on the swings and playing on the slide and equipment.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Emma at Daddy's Soccer Game

Sunday morning soccer and Daddy's biggest fan was there to cheer him on! RyMan scored a goal in the first half then kicked booty playing Goalie in the second. YEAH!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Emma's First Haircut - A Bang Trim

Emma's hair is growing so fast but, mostly in the bang department. Since she was pulling her hair to keep it out of her eyes ... after she pulls her hail clippie out ... we decided it was time for a little trim.

Here are her before and after shots. Yes, they are a wee bit shorter than I anticipated but they will grow back fast!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pug Pillow Fun

My bright idea to build a pillow fort for Emma turned out to be PUG paradise. Here is Emma playing with Eloise and Isabelle. She can actually call Isabelle, "BELLE"!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gift from Auntie Jill!

Emma received a BIG box in the mail today. A cool birthday present from Auntie Jill! It's a super fun cube that plays music and has a ton on interactive features. Here is Emma (and her Daddy) checking it out. Thank you Jilly!

Another Gift!

Thank you to Emma's Seattle buddy CJ (and his Mommy Briana and Daddy Chris) for this adorable Glow Worm. It lights up and plays lullabies - too precious!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cruising 'Round My Crib, Yo

Emma, now one year and one week old, is walking and talking like crazy. We definitely have our work cut out for us! Here she is cruising along her crib.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ryan Ran it too

Ryan and Emma ran about .0001 of the Ironman. Here's a shot and the video.

Emma in her Ironman Gear

Emma got into the spirit sporting her "GO U.D.!" custom made shirt. (U.D. = Uncle Douggie).

Lastly, a 26 Mile Run

Can you imagine running 26 miles? How about after a 2.5 mile swim AND a 112 mile bike ride? Nope, neither can I. I'm tired just typing that. Here is Douggie running.

112 Mile Bike Ride, Say WHAT?!

Doug got a flat tire off the bat but was able to crank it out to pull ahead of Jill B. We chased Doug down like paprazzi. Here's some photos and my video from the car (sorry for the audio).

Ironman Transition

From the swim, Doug and Jill B had to run (barefoot) up a ramp to grab their bikes for the next challenge. Jill beat Doug by about 15 minutes ... oops, I wasn't supposed to say anything.

Are Those Sharks in the Water?

The Ironman Challenge started off with a 2.5 mile swim. Ryan captured these photos and no those are people not marine life!

Ironman Wisconsin 2008

For those about to ROCK... we salute You! Congrats again to Doug and Jill B for kicking butt in the Ironman Wisconsin yesterday! Ryan, Emma and I are completely exhausted just from chasing you two down all day - we can't imagine swimming, biking and running for 11+ hours in one day.

Emma and her Great Grandmas!

Emma got a special treat during her Wisconsin trip - she got to have lunch with her Great Grandma Perkins and her Great Grandma Gibson (plus Great Aunt Sharon and cousin Kelli!).

Shower Me with Gifts, Please

Of course, Emma couldn't turn ONE without gifts! She was completely spoiled by Nanna and Pappa G, Uncle Douggie and Jill B, Jill's parents (Chuck and Jan), her Great Auntie Jane and Great Uncle Bob and her Great Aunt Dawn, Great Uncle Bruce and cousins Casey and Andrea - phew!

Celebrating ONE

Once we reached Madison, WI we hit State Street and went to a great college bar Ryan and I ate at before. Here is Emma celebrating #1.

The Big ONE

It's official! On September 4th at 7:17 am Emma Grace Gibson turned one year old! We were making our way through Nebraska so here is a shot of her at exactly 7:17 am... There was nothing else really going on in Nebraska so I was counting down the minutes ...