Sunday, August 31, 2008

Emma and Friends

Emma made new friends, Emily and Joe at our friend Mike's 40th Birthday suprise party. Emma chased the older kids around, of course!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Another 1st Birthday Present!

Emma got a Puppy for her birthday! You're thinking we're crazy, right? Two pugs and now another dog? NO WAY, Jose. Max (and his Mommy Megan and Daddy Ryan) gave Emma a learning Puppy! She gives it kisses and dances to the songs - so cute!

Good Times

definitely good times had by all!

Max and Emma ... at Wash Park!

Then, we rented a bicycle that seats everyone! We pedaled around the two lakes and only had to stop a few times for cheerios and dropped pacis.

Max and Emma ... Go to the Zoo!

Max and Emma enjoyed a fun day at the zoo. We saw monkeys, bears and elephants .. oh my!

Max and Emma, 2008

Max Michaelis (and his Mommy and Daddy) came to visit Emma from Arkansas! Max is 9 months old - yes, a younger man - and just the sweetest boy ever. Here they are playing together for the first time!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Emma Meets Elmo

Emma has a new 1st birthday present from her friend Lucy in Seattle - a Tickle Me Elmo! She was kind of scared at first but now he is making her laugh.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Emma and Mommy's Sillly Time

We stayed with the Wedding party at the White Gate Inn in Mendocino. Here Emma and I had fun being our silly selves.

Emma ... A California Girl!

Emma was such a fantastic traveler this past weekend to California - a rock star! Here she is in the airport, on the plane and chilling in Mendocino.

California Dreamin'

We flew into Oakland, CA last week and drove up the coast to Mendocino, CA. Saturday our friends Tora and Spencer got hitched in a gorgeous winery in Anderson Valley. Here are a few photos from the wedding.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


With it still raining outside in Denver (yes, Denver), we amused ourselves by giving Emma a teething cookie. Oh what a mess!

Rock the Cradle

Here is Emma showing off her standing skills in where else, but her CRIB!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Just Another Rainy Day ... in Denver?!

We have been sweating in 90+ weather here in Colorado this Summer, but Mother Nature decided to give us a little break today. Nothing like a cold, rainy and windy day to make me miss Seattle!

Emma and I had to amuse ourselves since it was crappy outside. Here she is teasing the dogs with their bone and also goofing around on her new toy (thanks again juju!).

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Laundry, anyone?

Here is Emma playing in the hamper - classic kid shot, right? She is a girl-on-the-go these days: crawling, walking and exploring EVERYTHING!

Water Baby

Emma just LOVES her ducky bathtub, but she's a big girl now so she has graduated to the Big Girl Tub!